Our Team

The Impact Headlines team is all about respectful, core, traditional American values. While we publish without bias, we remain respectful to the men and women serving our nation at home and abroad. We focus on the issues and encourage readers to think independently.

Our team has decades of combined experience in newsrooms, at major websites, and publishing their own content to a thoughtful audience. We’re really proud of the team we’ve assembled, and they are happy to serve patriots like you.

No Bias, Only Truth

Our mission is to report the news and cover big topics clearly and without bias. No matter what side of the aisle you’re on, you can find the truth here. While other outlets rely on sensationalism and play on the extreme feelings of their political bases, we’re more concerned about providing an accurate representation of the facts.

Our Dedicated Team

Our team has a core background in journalism. From managing corporate communications to working at small-town papers, our team learned their keen sense of ethics on the job through years of experience.

At the foundation of Impact Headlines, our core team created a keen editorial policy to guide the direction of the publication and keep it focused on the truth. They continue to follow these guiding principles today, ensuring balanced, fair content.

Our Code of Ethics

Our code of ethics is meant to combat bias and prevent the sensationalism present in most American media today. No matter what side of the aisle you’re on, you’ll see the truth in what we publish: it’s unbiased, it’s clear, and it’s meaningful.

Our writers and editors are committed to methods of ethical sourcing, fact-checking, and ensuring a peer review process. We have each other’s backs to ensure accuracy.

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