Editorial Policy

Have you ever ended up on a website that doesn’t have a united theme or voice? One that publishes misinformation and makes it hard to discern the truth? We’re done with those types of sites, and we endeavor to do just the opposite.

Our stringent editorial policy ensures our work is free of bias, reviewed by team members, and helpful to our readers. We value honesty and integrity.

Not Influenced by Political Agendas

Impact Headlines isn’t pressured by political agendas and we do not support any one candidate. Our shared values ensure we post material free of bias. We do not accept pressure, persuasion, or gifts from anyone in the political sphere. Our independence is important to us, and we do everything we can to eliminate bias through our editorial process.

Citations and Sources

When we get specialized information from our sources, we make sure to cite them. We operate with journalistic integrity, ensuring that you’re aware of the original source of information in our reporting. We vet our sources and fact-check the information they provide prior to publication.

Our Editorial Process

The Impact Headlines editorial process includes a method for fact-checking, proofreading, and review. This editorial process ensures all pieces go through at least one other staff member before publication, stripping any bias from the content. We report with diligence and integrity.

Our Retraction Policy

In the rare event that we do make a mistake, we are happy to correct content and publish a retraction if necessary. We are very devoted to accuracy, and this type of responsibility and accountability is part of the process. If we mess up, please reply to a newsletter to let us know so we can fix it right away.